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Document Retention 

Federal law requires you to maintain your tax return copies and supporting documents for 3 years, known as the "three year law."

If the IRS believes you have under-reported your income by 25% or more, or suspect fraud, they can go back 6 years in an audit.


To be safe, follow these guidelines:


  • Create a Backup Set of Records and Store Them Electronically. Keeping a backup set of records -- including, for example, bank statements, tax returns, insurance policies, is easier than ever now that financial institutions provide statements and documents electronically, and financial information is available online.

  • Even if the original records are only on paper, they can be scanned and converted to a digital format.

  • Once the documents are in electronic form, taxpayers can download them to a backup storage device, such as an external hard drive.

  • Online backup, is really the only way to be sure your data is fully protected and remains safe in the event of a natural disaster or personal emergency.

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